The Producers (2005)

Secret Cinephile Score:  89
1 line takeaway:  A bright, funny and honest remake – better than most.


In general terms, I’m not a fan of remakes. There is an inherent laziness that disappoints me in terms of imagination and innovation. As a broad brush statement, studios only want to remake iconic and hugely popular films that could be a refreshed cash cow. I would have thought obviously, those are exactly the films that should not be remade. So my starting position is declared.

The Producers 2005That said, if you have a sense of humour, have ever laughed or think you may have unknowingly smiled then get this DVD. The purists may not like the ‘staged’ quality but for pure laughs and entertainment its a winner.

Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick work well together although you do sense, its familiar territory for Lane. It should be and if you were fortunate enough to see him in the stage production, this will feel like revisiting a familiar friend (in the main).

Whilst Matthew Broderick is good and would be a safe name for any studio, for me he wasn’t as manic, self-absorbed and ultimately funny as either Gene Wilder or Lee Evans from the stage production.

This set a trend from me. Nathan Lane is fabulous but I miss the pure lucheness of Zero Mostel. For me there are one or two questionable casting decisions in the supporting cast. If you have nothing to compare it with, then the probability is you’d enjoy it thoroughly. Ultimately not quite as good as the original but overall not bad for a remake and one of the few I can watch and enjoy.

Media Available:  DVD to buy/stream  The original version   Broadway Cast Recording

October Sky (1999)

Secret Cinephile Score:  80
1 line takeaway: Overlooked and under-rated. Heartwarming true story

Unlikely subject matter, no big stars (at the time), few special effects and no deeply complex messaging – so what makes this such a great movie? Maybe it’s just that difference. This story based closely on a true story simply celebrates the chance of being all you can be.

October SkyIf the first you knew of Jake Gyllenhaal was in Jarhead then you’re about to learn he could act before he entered the eye candy stakes.

Set in a small mining town in the US at the time of sputnik this largely true story is packed with human spirit.

Complex hopes and expectations are examined through a love of rocketry much to the disappointment of Homer’s father (Chris Cooper) who is a powerful force throughout the film.
A tale of father following son (or not), the love between and within families and the potential of youth, this has everything to make you reflect on how fragile life is and why we should always try to be true to ourselves. Themes that could easily be saccharin but in this treatment are certainly not.
Touching funny in parts, packed full of unexpected humour and a fair dose of potential lost, this is both uplifting and just downright entertaining. One that slipped through the net unseen by most – mores the pity.

Available Media:   DVD to buy/stream   The making of the film

Finding Neverland (2004)

Finding Neverland

Secret Cinephile Score:  89
1 line takeaway:  A calm, charming and moving film about what it is to be a child.

An understated but powerful film. Focusing on the evolution of Peter Pan through the evolving and sometimes troubled relationship of the author J.M Barrie.

Finding NeverlandA mix of contained acting style, excellent location and set design and a sympathetic script mean the has a genuinely Edwardian feel. A mix of refined splendor, private uncertainties against the backdrop of a changing society.

The final scene between Barrie and Peter is one of the most beautiful performances I have seen Depp give. Certainly worth spending 90 minutes of your time and proves (as if it were necessary) that Johnny Depp is much more than Captain Jack Sparrow. A courageous and still undervalued actor. Well worth watching.

Available Media:  DVD buy/stream  Cast Recording

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